Woman died after the hospital’s mistake with oxygen

Woman died after the hospitals mistake with oxygen

Updated 02.39 | Published 02.28




full screen A lex Maria report has been made to the Health and Care Inspectorate since a woman died. Archive image. Photo: Stina Stjernkvist/TT

An incorrectly set oxygen sensor led to a woman with breathing difficulties not receiving any oxygen. She died later, reports P4 Malmöhus.

The woman, who was in her 70s, came to Helsingborg’s hospital. A decision was made to give her oxygen to improve oxygenation.

But the so-called flow meter for the oxygen was set incorrectly and the patient did not receive any oxygen.

That kind of flow meter must now be replaced with new and safer meters to avoid similar incidents, writes Region Skåne on its website.

A lex Maria report about the incident has been made to the Inspectorate for Care and Care.
