Too loud music can result in heavy fines in Florida

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Florida residents who like to play loud music in their cars risk high fines.

From 1 July this year, a new law applies that can cost private motorists the equivalent of just over SEK 1,300 in fines. The music must not be so loud that it can be heard at a distance of seven meters.

– We like loud music. It will be a problem now, says Florida resident Rain Mckay.

According to the police, the law must, among other things, prevent private motorists from overpowering the noise from emergency vehicles or playing too loudly outside schools, hospitals and churches.

But there are some exceptions to the law. Vehicles used for political or business purposes avoid fines even if they play their messages at high volume.

– I will definitely see how loud I can play my music without getting fined. We have to test the limit, says Rain Mckay.

See more about the new teams in the player above.
