Fortnite is now for losers

The streamer Tyler “Ninja” Blevins was the absolute star on Twitch from 2017 to 2019 and the face of the online shooter Fortnite. On May 24, 2024, he now says: Fortnite is for losers. The reason for the change of heart is the new season in Fortnite, Chapter 5, Season 3: The streamer does not like the current “vehicle meta” at all.

This is what Ninja says:

  • Ninja describes the current situation with the new season in Fortnite like this: You land somewhere, collect loot, grab a vehicle, don’t attack anyone and play like “the biggest losers in the world.”
  • If he were a 5-year-old who still loved cool cars, he would love the season.
  • But he’s 32, an adult, and he likes shooting things in video games. But now he has to drive around in a vehicle and pray to meet other people who have a worse vehicle than him.
  • Becoming the biggest streamer on Twitch through Fortnite – Who is Ninja and what is he doing today?

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    “So Ninja has turned into a boomer”

    How is this discussed? In the comments on Twitter, Ninja is more likely to be ridiculed and criticized for his style of play, which his critics consider outdated. People are taunting that Ninja could only spam buildings like crazy and was not adaptable.

    People write:

  • “Has he ever tried doing something other than just spamming builds to counter everything?”
  • “Ninja can’t complain. The man hasn’t been good at Fortnite since Chapter 1 ended.”
  • “He just complains, can’t he adapt?”
  • “So Ninja turned into a boomer.”
  • Besides the people who smile at him a little, there are also those who agree with him and say that the current season is actually a bit strange.

    You can see Ninja’s angry speech here:

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    How good was Ninja? Ninja had his dominant phase very early in Fortnite, around 2017. Back then, hardly anyone knew anything about Fortnite and building: Ninja as a shooter pro, he came from Halo, dominated lobbies of random players and collected many kills with an aggressive style of play.

    However, this high didn’t last long. After a few months, new players came to Fortnite who were better than him. As Fortnite became more professional in the run-up to the 2019 World Cup and many young professionals emerged, Ninja fell further and further behind and was no longer able to qualify for the World Cup.

    So Ninja is a good shooter player and even dominated Fortnite in the first few months. But he hasn’t been among the world’s best since 2019.

    The eternal Fortnite conflict: fun or e-sport?

    This is what’s behind it: This is a conflict that Fortnite has always had:

  • The ambitious pro players want the most stable shooter gameplay possible, where skill in shooting and building determines victory.
  • But Epic always wants to shake up Fortnite with crazy ideas and brings unbalanced items and features that even casuals can use to win and mess up the balance. In the past, these were things like mechs or planes.
  • The current “vehicle meta” is the new manifestation of this discussion that has been going on in Fortnite for years. And Ninja, who has been playing Fortnite for 7 years, has become a symbolic figure. With his blue hair and attitude, Ninja seemed like a laid-back guy, but if you look closer, his defining character trait has always been extreme ambition: Fortnite star Ninja: funny on the outside, dogged and incredibly ambitious on the inside
