Tinder is committed to youth voting

The dating giant Tinder and the civil rights NGO A Voté announced on Wednesday February 16 the launch of a campaign to encourage young people to register on the electoral lists.

To do “ match Generation Z with the vote. » This is the objective of tinder dating app which wants to encourage its users to go to the polls. ” If you date downstairs… Then vote downstairs! “, highlights the advertisement.

Concretely, from this Thursday and until April 8, 18-25 year olds present on the application will see announcements appear to check the steps to be taken for the presidential election. By clicking, they will be sent to the site of the NGO A Voté, which is mobilizing against mis-registration on the electoral lists.

Seven million people misregistered

Today, recalls the NGO, more than 7 million French people are incorrectly registered: being incorrectly registered is three times more likely to abstain. And young people are particularly affected by this phenomenon.

The communication campaign carried out by Tinder in partnership with the NGO has voted.

If Tinder decides to get involved, it is no coincidence: the term “politics” is increasingly present in the profiles of its users in France. A few days ago, Young with Macron activists used their accounts to encourage people to vote for their candidate, but Tinder opposed it. No campaign on Tinder, the app prefers awareness. The company had already committed itself during the 2020 American elections or more recently, in Germany, during the federal elections.

(with AFP)
