This is where the odd sport in Luleå is decided – SM in a snowball fight

Over 100 participants divided into 15 teams gathered outside Luleå University of Technology when the SM in Snowball War, Yukigassen, was to be decided. After two days, Norrland’s silver was finally the winner.

– I am surprised that we won. A few days ago, we didn’t even know we would be participating, says Norrland silver’s Daniel Roast.

“10,000 snowballs”

The organizers sum up the competition as successful and with great joy despite tough conditions to get the competition together. Jonathan Orrhede, says that the days have been better than he could have imagined.

– I think we finished about two minutes before all the participants arrived yesterday, but I am very satisfied with these two days, says the organizer.

In total, roughly 10,000 snowballs were rolled for the roughly 100 participants.

In the clip, you can see how the snowball war unfolded.
