This is how Trump’s supporters oust politicians from positions of power one by one – next week there could be turmoil in the United States

This is how Trumps supporters oust politicians from positions of

PHOENIX, ARIZONA. The bookshelf is dedicated to the former president of the United States. Several pictures About Donald Trump“Latinos for Trump” ticket, Make America Great Again ticket.

There is a photograph hidden behind one of the Trump pictures of George HW Bush, who was president of the United States at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s.

– I want to make a video where I burn that picture, Ronald Ore-giron says in front of his bookshelf.

– Bush is definitely RINO.

Ore-Giron is angry with Bush for starting the Iraq war in 2001. So the wrong Bush is in the frame. RINO, on the other hand, is an abbreviation for Republican In Name Only.

It’s a nickname used by Trump supporters for Republicans who accept the outcome of the last presidential election.

Joe Biden of the Democratic Party won and Trump lost. Despite several recalculations, the election result has not changed.

Nevertheless, Ronald Ore-Giron believes that the election was fraudulent. The election result has been audited in his home state of Arizona several times without any evidence of fraud.

Politicians who say otherwise are, in Ore-Giro’s opinion, cancerous to the Republican Party, who must be got rid of as soon as possible.

That’s pretty much what’s going on in the US midterm elections, which will be held on Tuesday.

In so-called midterm elections, a whole new House of Representatives and a third of the Senate are elected, both at the federal and state levels. In addition, important positions such as state governors and chief prosecutors are filled in the elections.

In practice, therefore, elections decide who in the United States enacts laws and supervises their compliance.

In general, midterm elections are considered a measure of the popularity of the sitting president. But this time they also measure the popularity of the president who lost the election.

And above all, how the movement created by Donald Trump succeeds in its efforts to reach important positions in different states. In elections, the decision-making power can be seized by a group of politicians who do not believe in the election results and do not agree to accept the election results.

Donald Trump’s alleged “electoral lie” has become a major theme in the current elections in several states and an issue that is tearing the Republican Party apart. Supporters of the president like Ronald Ore-Giro have actively voted for candidates who dispute the outcome of the presidential election.

In Arizona, for example, these so-called “choice-banners” are running for senator, governor, secretary of state, and attorney general, among others. Also in other states, a significant number of Republican candidates deny the election result.

Within the Republican Party, it has meant that many long-time politicians have had to give way to candidates supported by Trump supporters.

One of them has been in Arizona Rusty Bowers, former Speaker of the Arizona State House of Representatives. A candidate supported by Trump ousted him in the primaries in early autumn.

Bowers calls Trump supporters radicals. In his opinion, they are a threat to democracy, not only in Arizona but across the country.

For example Mark Finchem is one of the Radical Republicans referred to by Bowers and a candidate for the powerful position of Secretary of State.

The two clashed violently immediately after the presidential election, when Finchem and a few other Republicans tried to block the state’s votes from going to Biden. Bowers blocked the conspiracy, Trump and his former lawyer Rudy Giuliani despite the pressure and allegations of election fraud.

– I said again and again, bring me evidence [vaalivilpistä]. And of course the evidence never came.

Bowers’ principledness has come at a price. First the smear campaign started in the local media, then the threats and pedophile accusations. For months, demonstrations at the front door.

At one point, one man had a gun with him, but Bowers thought he “wouldn’t have been a very good shooter.”

And then Bowers lost his primary to a radical party colleague.

Mark Finchem, on the other hand, won his own primary election, and is now running for Arizona Secretary of State.

The bureaucratic-sounding pesti is significant, because the state secretary’s most important task is organizing elections. Who handles the task therefore affects how voting and vote counting are done.

The long tail of election fraud allegations affects elections across the country, not just in Arizona.

The Washington Post newspaper according to the statement (you switch to another service) almost 300 Republican candidates question the outcome of the presidential election. More than half of them will probably win the election.

Many of the protestors also represent radical views in their other positions, for example regarding abortion legislation and the right to bear arms.

Of all the extreme new-line politicians, even a far-right blogger has referred to them in their speeches by Curtis Yarvin to writings. Yarvin would like to give up (you switch to another service)about political compromises, because according to him democracy does not work. Instead, power should be concentrated in one person.

Rusty Bowers’ concern is that radical representatives want to reduce the state budget so significantly that solving normal problems becomes difficult. In Arizona, one example is the struggle for water access. Cities built on dry deserts need federal help to solve the problem.

Ronald Ore-Giron coaches his daughter’s soccer team in the evenings. The atmosphere on the field is warm-hearted until the talk turns to politics.

One of the coaches doesn’t want to say a word about it. The father, following his daughter’s training on the side of the field, says that he dreams of emigrating because politics in the United States is so tiring.

Ore-Giron is not tired. He says he is ready to fight for his freedom if the Republicans lose the election. According to him, that can only happen if the Democrats screw up.

Only about half of the US population normally votes in midterm elections. There may be more voters this year, as the ongoing battle over abortion legislation in many states, for example, motivates women to vote.

Still, it’s almost certain that Republicans will win at least the federal House of Representatives elections. As in many states.

According to Bowers, the victory of his own party is a problem if it is about radical representatives.

Democrats have contributed to the rise of the radical wing. Democratic interests supported radical representatives of their rival party with millions of dollars during the Republican primary campaigns. It was a company create a situation, (you switch to another service) where on the actual election day there would be a radical republican and a middle-line democrat facing each other, who could then also win the votes of the moderate republicans.

However, the tactic can backfire.

In practice, the election of politicians who believe in electoral fraud to state-level positions can jeopardize the confirmation of the presidential election result in the elections held two years from now. In several states, for example, the secretary of state and the governor play an important role in confirming the election result.

Bowers fears that radical Republicans will change Arizona’s voting law so that a simple majority in the state’s Congress can overturn an election result if it so chooses. They already tried it in the spring, but then Bowers blocked the law from moving forward.

In the future, he will no longer be there to prevent it.

Donald Trump’s it is rumored to be announced already next week (you will switch to another service) that he will run again in the 2024 presidential election.

You can discuss the topic until Monday 7 November. until 11 p.m.

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