ASVIS Festival, Enel grants employees a day of paid leave for volunteering

Enel reached 75 of emission free production 10

(Finance) – Is in the participates in the Sustainable Development Festival with an important one program to promote volunteering among its employees. In fact, the Group recognizes that all its employees have the opportunity to take advantage of one day of paid leave per yearto carry out voluntary activities in collaboration with some important third sector organisations.

The objective of Enel’s Volunteering program is: contributethrough its people, to the growth of the communitybut also to enable workers to cultivate theirs well-being, civic sense, one’s professional skillsin particular the inclination to work in a team, thus enriching the set of skills that can be used in the workplace.

In 2023, almost a thousand Enel employees took part in the initiativeparticipating in approx 95 activities of corporate volunteering, which took place in 19 Italian cities from North to South. A constantly growing trend given that, from 2019 to today, almost 2 thousand people have taken part in 188 overall initiatives for a total of 13,610 hours dedicated to solidarity and for the good of the community.

Volunteer projects include social initiatives, aimed at social inclusion, at environmental Protection and from fight against school dropout, through educational skills enhancement courses aimed at young students. Thanks to these activities were delivered 6.1 tons of food to people in economic difficulty and approximately 1.1 tons of waste from Italian streets and coasts, including 9,000 cigarette butts. Overall, a positive impact was generated on the lives of over 3,500 people.

Among the main non-profit associations that have made use of the collaboration of Enel volunteers are the Caritas Diocesan of Rome, Save The Children, Arché Foundation, Quiet Neighborhoods Association, Moige, The Tree of Life Foundation, Civil Protection, Italian Red Cross, Legambiente, Elis.

The Group plans to further enhance these initiatives in 2024strengthening relevant volunteering, introducing projects circular economy in order to allow the reuse of many goods/products which will be given a new life, and finally by implementing initiatives aimed at protection of artistic and cultural heritage national, an important driving force for the Italian economy.
