Basketball: Norrköping won the fourth straight SC gold after drama: “Better every year”

Terins was named the MVP of the final game.

– Just look at all the people who stand here and drink, everyone who comes here, Swedes, Americans. This is what we’re fighting for and it’s so damn nice that it’s over and that we won, says Terins.

When the gold was ready, the players rushed onto the field for hugs and the gold hats quickly arrived. The SM cup was celebrated in a shower of gold confetti to the tune of The Queen’s “We are the Champions”.

– In Sweden! filled the speaker.

At the end of the third period, Norrköping led 60-58 and was able to put in a push and led at most 69-59 with five minutes left. But Borås would shrink the distance and give really nervous final minutes.

Borås had time to catch up

At 69-66, Borås was on the attack and could have caught up with a third. Instead, Norrköping’s Marcus Tuys stole the ball and was able to make it 71-66 and the ceiling vibrated in the hall with the cheering of the enthusiastic fans: “Dolphins, Dolphins”.

When Felix Terins slid in towards the basket and passed to Adam Ramstedt, who in the air pounded in 75-70 with 58 seconds left, it was the decisive blow.

– We gave away two really bad games but have given everything all season. All credit to Norrköping and hats off to them, says Borås’ Jarred Godfrey.

3,585 spectators were packed to capacity in Norrköping.
