The underlying cause of your bad breath may be tonsil stones!

The underlying cause of your bad breath may be tonsil

Bad breath leads to undesirable situations. Reasons such as not cleaning the mouth and teeth, smoking, tooth decay cause bad breath. Although it is not well known, tonsil stones also cause bad breath. tonsil stones; They are hard accumulations formed on the tonsils due to food residues, mucus and bacterial accumulation. There is no need for medical intervention for tonsil stones that do not cause discomfort to the patient. However, in cases of persistent discomfort, it is possible to get rid of tonsil stones by following appropriate steps.


Tonsil stones do not cause any symptoms or discomfort in many individuals. Although the probability of giving symptoms increases as the size of the stone increases, even very large tonsil stones are detected incidentally in some cases only as a result of examinations such as x-ray and CT (computerized tomography). Symptoms of tonsil stones include:

  • bad odor in the mouth
  • Throat ache
  • Cough
  • Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia)
  • Visible white or yellow patches in the throat
  • tonsil swelling
  • ear pain


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Tonsils consist of certain slits, chambers, tunnels and pits due to their anatomical structure. These areas create a suitable environment for the accumulation of dead cells, mucus, salivary secretions, food residues and bacteria. As a result of the accumulation and compression of such residues in the recessed structures of the tonsils, tonsil stones are formed. In addition to these, some other factors that can be stated in response to the question of what causes tonsil stones are as follows:

  • Inadequate oral and dental hygiene
  • chronic sinus problems
  • Having large tonsils
  • Chronic tonsillitis (tonsillitis)


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If the tonsil stone is small in size and does not cause any discomfort to the patient, no intervention is required. The person should pay attention to practices such as tooth brushing, dental floss, tongue cleaning to ensure oral and dental hygiene. Small tonsil stones that have newly developed and have a white, yellow color can be removed at home with the help of a cotton swab. However, excessive pressure should not be applied to the throat, and tonsil stones should not be tried to be cleaned with foreign objects, except for a soft-tipped cotton swab. In addition, gargling with salt water can be effective in both removing tonsil stones and preventing new stone formation. r. If tonsil stones become a long-term and recurrent problem, and tonsil infections are common, tonsils may need to be removed. This procedure is called tonsillectomy. Another treatment application is the application called cryptolysis, which is carried out in the form of removal of tonsil stones by means of laser beams or radiofrequency. Which treatment method is appropriate is decided by the physician as a result of a detailed examination.
