“The teachers who will train are paid as per the institute contracts”, Anief asks for ad hoc public funding

School Pacifico ANIEF There are many problems immediate answers and

(Finance) – From now on if public school teachers participate in training activities exceeding 40 extra-didactic hours per yearforeseen for activities functional to teaching, the State will have to pay them. And the criteria will be established through the agreements made in the Institute’s negotiations, in the presence of the RSU. This is foreseen new national collective agreement on Education, University and Research 2019/21 definitively signed a week ago at Aran, of which Anief was a signatory and protagonist.

In fact, from now on all other hourly training units that exceed the limit of 40 hours outside the classroom will have to be remunerated “with compensation, including lump sums, established in supplementary negotiations”. Because, according to the 2019/21 Ccnl, “continuing training constitutes a right and a duty for school staff”. The contract, as well as from Aran, also had the consent of the Minister of Education and Merit, Giuseppe Valditara, a few weeks ago, who said that “the training” of school staff must “have a continuous and ” consequently it must be “related to economic rewards for those who carry it out”.

Marcello Pacifico, national president of Aniefexplains that it is necessary to proceed with “specific funding for the training of teachers, but also of ATA staff. Since the contracts and agreements signed at Aran must be followed up, it is good that the staff, even temporary ones, are put in the conditions to update themselves professionally. This means – concludes the trade unionist Anief – that with the national bargaining carried out for two years at Aran we have managed to obtain the new norm, now it is good that it is ‘supported’ with adequate funding to make it operational”.

Anief remembers that with the agreement of January 18, at Aran it was possible to channel more resources into the Education sector, around half a billion euros, for the development of staff and with the redistribution of funds to the contractual tables. Exceptions to transfer restrictions, the extraordinary recruitment procedure for support positions and the unblocking of contracts for specialized teachers abroad have been passed; but also the 30% expansion of teacher positions reserved for temporary workers TFA support; the 70% increase in places for IRC teachers in the extraordinary competition.

Having said of the three days paid at 100% for each school year also granted to temporary workers, Anief also requested and obtained the elimination of the maximum limit for qualified teachers with simplification of access and attendance; the direct admission of ‘caged’ teachers to the 30 CFU courses together with three-year teachers from private schools and Iefp; the assignment of the teacher’s card to new entrants and to 31 August, as recently accepted by the Government itself; the scrolling of the rankings of the extraordinary ordinary competition on waivers and transformation into exhaustion of the rankings of the ordinary competitions; the new competition course for school managers with an appeal underway.

Anief also created the conditions for the agreement on the mobility of those newly appointed to the role; resources exceeding inflation and the previous contract; the definition of the tutor’s remuneration was reported to the negotiation; the unblocking of ATA economic positions; the increase in hourly quotas by 10%, as well as leave for women victims of violence and the confirmation of disability rights in personnel transfers.
