The renovation rage against Fritzon and S: “You cursed liars”

The renovation rage against Fritzon and S You cursed liars
fullscreen Heléne Fritzon (S). Photo: Anders Wiklund / TT News Agency

“We did it!”, wrote the Social Democrats when the EU scrapped the requirement for forced renovations of single-family houses.

But the voting record shows that S voted for the proposal.

– You cursed liars, says the Sweden Democrats’ Charlie Weimers.

Swedish house owners escaped expensive renovations when the EU’s energy requirements were withdrawn during last week’s final negotiations.

According to EU parliamentarian Heléne Fritzon (S), the removed requirement was in line with what the Social Democrats were pushing.

“Small house owners can now breathe a sigh of relief after the scare campaigns that have been carried out on the issue. The abolition of mandatory renovation requirements is a major negotiation success,” she wrote in a comment to TT.

But the voting protocol from March 14 shows that Fritzon and the other Swedish Social Democrats voted for the position where forced renovations were included. Something that the Sweden Democrats’ EU parliamentarian Charlie Weimers is angry about.

“You damned liars. You voted for forced renovations that would force Swedes from their homes. I know. Because I was sitting across from you when you did it,” he writes on X.

full screen Charlie Weimers (SD) Photo: Fredrik Persson / TT News Agency


He says to Aftonbladet that S “realized that they had made a huge mistake”.

– I think it is deeply dishonorable to vote for a proposal that would affect millions of home owners and tenants over the next ten years and then claim that you fought against it the whole time. It makes George Orwell jealous, he says.

Also The villa owners have reacted against S play:

“Provocative. Helene Fritzon (S), who herself voted FOR the EU’s forced renovation directive, now says that the owners of single-family houses can breathe a “sigh of relief” after the “scare campaigns” that have been carried out. But without villa owners’ campaigns in Sweden and the EU, Brussels could very well have pushed through the directive”.

full screenFrom the Social Democrats’ Facebook. Photo: The Social Democrats.

Fritzon: Smear campaign

According to Fritzon herself, she voted for the proposal to continue negotiations.

“While we social democrats have had meetings with our negotiators and fought for Swedish interests, Charlie Weimers has focused on misleading the Swedish people about what we think on this issue. It’s sad,” she writes in a comment and continues:

“We voted to take the issue further to negotiation and just as we fought for in the government, Riksdag and in the European Parliament, Swedish owners of single-family houses are now exempt from mandatory renovation requirements. Instead of being happy about the negotiation successes on behalf of the Swedish people, Weimers seems most disappointed that his smear campaign has now been disproved”.

full screen Fritzon’s vote is among the 343 who voted for the proposal. Photo: European Parliament
