The Prime Minister: We can rally around tackling gang violence

On the other hand, the opposition is strongly critical of the government reducing its allocations in the budget for preventive measures for gang crime.

The Liberals’ Johan Pehrson does not agree with cutting back on preventive measures and points out that the government wants to rewrite the Social Services Act, among other things.

– The central thing is that social services must be given tools to intervene earlier, he says.

The block leaders call for unity

The Social Democrats’ Magdalena Andersson says that “politicians must drop their prestige” and start taking measures together.

– We need society to step forward, not retreat, especially in vulnerable areas, she says.

Ulf Kristersson (M) also agrees with Andersson about being more present in vulnerable areas.

– If we can all agree that this, which has been developing for a long time, maybe we can also gather around to jointly tackle the issues. As we did with the NATO issue, for example, where we were able to agree on things we could not agree on before, he says.

On Thursday, Kristersson has invited all party leaders to a meeting of the national security council for discussion and information about gang crime.

Busch (KD) points the boot at Dadgostar (V)

But the party leaders are not in complete agreement. Nooshi Dadgostar, party leader for V, believes that the government’s budget does not give social services the conditions they need to stop new recruitment.

Ebba Busch (KD) disagrees and says that 40 percent of the budget goes to welfare. She criticizes Dadgostar’s reasoning.

– Nooshi Dadgostar, it is not because of a lack of summer jobs and leisure parks that people choose to rape small children, urinate on their victims, film it and then get street cred for it, she says.

– The first line of preventive work is the family. We prioritize leisure cards so that young people can have a meaningful future, but there are also parental support programs. You say no to that, she continues.
