The hard fate of Gävle’s straw continues: it has not burned, but has been eaten to death | Foreign countries

The hard fate of Gavles straw continues it has not

The buck seems to have been liked primarily by the heifers, but at least one female duck has also been caught among the straw.

Gävle’s infamous straw goat has had a hard time again. This time, however, the goat has not been burned, but eaten.

The buck’s safety had been strengthened this year, but it was still bad.

– We have had digital surveillance and a security guard on site. In addition, there have been other security measures, such as double fences, said a representative of the straw man Anna-Karin Niemann for Aftonbladet.

However, the circumcised goat bravely wished a Merry Christmas on Christmas Eve.

While the pyromaniacs were kept away, the birds were not. The buck seems to have been liked primarily by the heifers, but at least one female duck has also been caught among the straw.

– I have come to stay. This year I might try a slightly more rustic look to help out my bird friends, but I’ll keep the party going until January 2nd regardless, the buck threatened on message service X in mid-December.

The straw goat was built in Gävle for the first time in 1966. The goat is built every year on the first Sunday of Advent. The buck was last burned into a reindeer two years ago. Before that, it survived four Christmases in a row.
