the grumbling of teachers over the delay in CEPE correction bonuses

the grumbling of teachers over the delay in CEPE correction

More than half a million children passed the CEPE national exam on Tuesday, June 21, the Certificate of Elementary Primary Studies, which determines the passage of schoolchildren in college class. This is the exam that registers the largest number of candidates on the Big Island. However, despite its importance, each year the government imposes the same scenario on its teachers, so that the delay in the payment of correctional allowances is now counted in years.

With our correspondent in Antananarivo, Sarah Tetaud

The bell of the college of Avaradoha rang, letting out a swarm of schoolchildren, happy to close this marathon day, where they chained seven tests. ” Even if some questions were very unexpected, I found it easy. Especially the tests of operations, problems, Malagasy and history. It is certain that we will pass the exam… If Jesus wants it! “says Finoana, 11 years old.

At his side, Karel, 10, shows less enthusiasm. ” I learned my lessons last night and this morning I tried to get my brain in order. But I had a lump in my stomach all day. Now I can’t wait for the results to come out! »

The results, according to the Ministry of Higher Education, should be published within 10 days. Teachers are therefore encouraged to quickly correct the copies. A duty to which this French teacher will comply, despite being annoyed by the three years of late payment of compensation.

I have not yet received my proofreader salary of 36,000 Ariary (about 8.50€) for each of the three years. The government neglects teachers. They take us for fools. We are tired of asking for our due every year. »

This student father is not worried. He knows that despite the absence of payment of allowances, teachers have always put the interests of small candidates first. However, he calls for change. “ Our government should make efforts because the country rests on them. We must promote teaching at Mada. From primary to university. Once again, the ministry has agreed to pay the vacations, without however specifying a date.
