the former creator of Yakuza sets up his new studio with NetEa

the former creator of Yakuza sets up his new studio

We’ve known it since August 2021, Toshihiro Nagoshi and SEGA, it’s over! A divorce which was officially pronounced last October and which allowed the Japanese game designer / producer to sail towards new horizons. It is also under the tutelage of the Chinese NetEase that Nagoshi-san has just founded his new studio, in which we find former SEGA developers such as Daisuke Sato (long-time partner of Toshihiro Nagoshi and former producer of the Yakuza series), Kazuki Hosokawa (who worked on Panzer Dragoon and Jet Set Radio), Koji Tokieda, Masao Shirosaki (who worked on the Yakuza series) and many more. The man surrounds himself with these best elements to found the “Nagoshi Studio” which has already its official website and on which we unfortunately do not find much except a long message to explain the world of entertainment and video games is undergoing profound changes.

We just have to wait for the announcement of the new project that will result from the birth of this new studio. Let’s hope for something new and new and not an ersatz of Yakuza or Judgment…

Nagoshi Studio

Nagoshi Studio

Nagoshi Studio
