today’s debate sabotaged by a rumor, the PS beside itself

todays debate sabotaged by a rumor the PS beside itself

10:34 – Macron and Le Pen, “a toxic couple who seek to dominate the French debate”, denounces Faure

For several weeks, those around the President of the Republic have been wondering about a possible debate between the latter and Marine Le Pen. The latter opened the door to such a duel, while ensuring that it had not yet received an official proposal. On the side of the Socialist Party, we denounce a diversion in this campaign, while Raphaël Glucksmann challenges the leading duo in the polls: for Olivier Faure, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen constitute “a toxic couple which seeks to dominate the French debate” . The boss of the PS does not mince his words on TF1: according to him, “this toxic couple is absolutely perverse because they are each the scarecrow of the other and they each time seek to reconstitute this duo to allow to rule out any form of alternative.

10:29 – A debate organized between the eight main list leaders this evening

BFMTV is organizing a debate this Monday evening between the eight leading candidates given as favorites in the European polls. From 8:30 p.m., Jordan Bardella (RN), Valérie Hayer (Renaissance), Raphaël Glucksmann (PS/PP), Manon Aubry (LFI), François-Xavier Bellamy (LR), Marie Toussaint (EELV), Marion Maréchal (R!) and Léon Deffontaines ( PCF) will compete on the major issues of the June 9 election.

10:25 – Welcome to our live broadcast of the 2024 European elections

The official campaign for the European elections opens today, two weeks before the June 9 vote. Follow all the news from the 38 lists involved in this campaign.
