The flood situation got out of hand: Streets and roads under water in the Philippines, watch the video

The flood situation got out of hand Streets and roads

At least thirteen people have died in floods caused by heavy rains in the Philippines. 30,000 people have had to flee their homes.

20:38•Updated 20:41

– We need food. The flood took our house and animals with it. Nothing was left, not even clothes, said one of the flood victims, Estela Talaruc In an interview with the DZRH radio station.

The celebration of Christmas was interrupted in the Philippines this time due to heavy rains and the floods that followed them.

Aerial photos taken from the administrative region of Northern Mindanao show how the town of Oroquleta is completely covered by water and mud carried by the water. Still, people are trying to move around in cars and on foot through the flooded streets.

At least 13 people have died and more than 20 are missing.

Estimates of the number of people who left their homes vary between 30,000 and 46,000 people.

Consisting of more than 7,600 islands, the Philippines has been prone to natural disasters. On average, twenty tropical storms hit the island nation every year. Earthquakes, landslides and crop damage are also a problem.

According to the World Bank, the population of the Philippines is about 111 million.

Sources: Reuters, ZZVNRO, ZZEYE

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