The 5 most promising new MMORPGs for 2024 and beyond

There should finally be major MMORPG releases again in 2024. We at MeinMMO will introduce you to the most promising games in development, some of which will appear in 2024, others in the following years.

Throne and Liberty – The better lineage?

Setting: Fantasy | developer: NCSoft, Amazon Games | platform: PC, Playstation, Xbox | Model: Unknown, probably Free2Play

What kind of game is this? TL was originally announced as Lineage 3 or Lineage Eternal and was even intended to be released in iso perspective, similar to Lost Ark. However, it was completely redesigned in 2017 to become a “true next-gen MMORPG”.

However, the new version is now intended to appeal to a broad target group. It offers action-packed battles in the third-person view, removes annoying features like autoplay and promises an interesting mix of PvE and PvP.

The publisher in the western region will be Amazon, which also manages Lost Ark, New World and the upcoming MMORPG Blue Protocol.

Throne and Liberty – Summer Game Fest Trailer

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What makes it so interesting? Throne and Liberty features a diverse character editor, with the only playable race being humans. It completely dispenses with classes and lets you determine your play style through the weapons and armor. There are 9 weapons to choose from, including two crossbows, a two-handed sword and magic wands.

The combat system was initially rather static and reminiscent of Lineage 2. Changes have now been made so that it offers a mix of tab target and action combat system. The adjustments were praised by many testers.

The big highlight is the weather system, which is intended to influence the terrain and combat. When it rains, for example, certain places are flooded and can no longer be reached. Lightning attacks are more effective during this time. In the sun, fire attacks do more damage, and in strong winds the arrows fly faster.

Apart from these special features, the MMORPG relies on:

  • An open world that has no loading screens – apart from a few instanced dungeons. At launch there will be 19 areas and 8 cities.
  • Quests, exploration, world bosses and guild raids for PvE fans.
  • Outpost battles, open world PvP events and large battles for a castle.
  • The MMORPG is scheduled to launch in Korea in December. The developers have already announced two major updates for 2024, with a new region and a PvP mode that is reminiscent of world-versus-world from GW2 or Cyrodiil from ESO.

    How has development gone so far? The game was announced in 2011 as “Lineage Eternal”. Back then it was a hybrid for PC and mobile. This should actually lead NCSoft into the future. But the first beta in 2015 was not well received by the testers.

    The Koreans withdrew Lineage Eternal and later announced Project TL. This got the new Unreal Engine 4 and a completely new management team.

    After that, developments were chaotic. A beta was actually supposed to start in 2018 and it should “definitely” appear in 2019. But then we didn’t hear anything about the game for a long time. In November 2021 the news came that Project TL would be released worldwide in the second half of 2022. It is now 2023 and the release has not yet taken place.

    How likely is the release in 2024? Almost 100%. NCSoft released the game in Korea on December 7, 2023. There is already a fully translated version in English there. It’s just up to Amazon to bring the game to us in the West.

    Since the first tests have already taken place recently and in the long term the versions in Korea and the West are supposed to be identical, Amazon won’t take too long to bring Throne and Liberty to us.

    We have summarized everything about the MMORPG here: Throne and Liberty: Everything about the release, classes and gameplay of the new MMORPG.
