That’s how much more expensive your mortgage and your grocery bag will be in 2023

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Rampant inflation that led to price increases on most things, record expensive electricity and skyrocketing interest rates. After a turbulent 2022, most things point to a continued deterioration in private finances for the vast majority this year as well.

– It will be another year with reduced purchasing power and it will be felt in the wallets of many groups, says Arturo Arques, private economist at Swedbank.

Continued high inflation in 2023 means that mortgage interest rates will continue to rise. So are food prices – according to the Norwegian Economic Institute, with SEK 1,640 for a family that spends SEK 10,000 a month on food.

This is how high other expenses will be, for example mortgages – see in the player above
