The man shot in Bredäng feared for his life before the murder

One of the murder tracks the police are investigating after the shooting death of a man in his 40s in Bredäng is a motive of honor.
The victim has previously been subjected to violence and threats – even then it was suspected to be honour-related.
– I need protection, I need a protective vest, which resists

ammunition, the now-murdered man said earlier in the interrogation.

The man in his 40s was found early Monday morning badly shot outside an apartment building in Bredäng in southern Stockholm. He was taken to hospital but later pronounced dead.

In the afternoon, the police announced that two people had been arrested “as part of the investigation” but did not want to comment further.

Honor is being investigated as a suspected motive for murder

The victim has no known gang connections and is unpunished. One of the police’s initial clues being investigated is that the murder may be honor-related, according to information to TV4 Nyheterna.

The man has previously lived in an honorable context and been threatened and severely abused. The district court considered that it was clear that there was an honorable motive behind the crimes he was subjected to. However, the Court of Appeal held that it was not possible to prove the honor-related part.

When the police investigators in connection with the crimes questioned the victim about a year and a half ago, he said himself:

– I have understood it as being honor-related.

Appealed to the police: I need protection

The man had then been jumped on and severely beaten outside by several people. The attack was preceded by a threat that he would be exposed to crime. The victim interpreted it as meaning that he was going to be shot and have “something done to me”, he told the investigation.

– I need protection, I need a protective vest that can withstand ammunition. I can become a criminal myself to defend myself, but that’s not what I want, he said in police interrogation.

– I don’t think they are directly after my family, but it is me first and foremost. I can right

as it is to be exposed to some surprise attack.

The Stockholm police do not want to comment on possible motive images or anything else about the investigation.
