The story is reminiscent of an absolute pearl of the genre

The story is reminiscent of an absolute pearl of the

What does Tom Felton actually do? Unlike other stars of the Harry Potter series, the Draco Malfoy actor has been around in recent years become calmer. However, he has not disappeared from the film landscape. On the contrary: his latest project was presented in Cannes a few days ago: Altered.

New sci-fi film with Harry Potter star Tom Felton announced – and it sounds like Gattaca 2.0

Altered was a mix of action and sci-fi film. The story takes us to an alternative present and introduces us to a world in which most people genetic upgrades have carried out on their own. Those who cannot afford the costly process become outcasts.

Leon (Tom Felton) is one of these outcasts. He does everything he can to expose the lies of the merciless system. Last but not least, corrupt politicians benefit genetic inequalities consciously in order to gain their own advantage in the power struggle. But Leon has to be careful if he wants to survive.

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Tom Felton in Origin

A dystopian setting and human genetic self-optimization? With this premise, a science fiction film immediately comes to mind: the outstanding Gattaca from 1997. Tonally, however, Altered is probably the same another direction because Iron Sky director Timo Vuorensola is behind the project.

Vuorensola describes his approach to Variety as follows:

I wanted to create a film that was both entertaining and had room for stirring themes. For me, science fiction has always been a great way to unite the viewer Think out of the box our society and to look at the problems we face from a different perspective.

For Felton, Altered is not the first science fiction project. Shortly after the end of the Harry Potter series, he appeared on the big screen in Planet of the Apes: Prevolution. He also starred in the short-lived sci-fi series Origin, which was released on YouTube Premium in 2018.

When does Altered start with Harry Potter star Tom Felton?

After the $15 million production from Art Galaxy, Well Go USA Entertainment, Splendid Entertainment and Studio Atlantic officially received the green light, filming can begin soon. A specific theatrical release has not yet been determined. We assume the film at some point 2025 appears.
