Tag: workers
The effects of China’s extraordinary protests can also be seen in the economy – the big question is whether workers will go to work or take to the streets
The economic impact of China’s protests depends on whether the protests spread. If this happens, there may be more cracks in the production chains that extend all the way to…
Sex workers in Nieuwegein will soon be able to work from home without a permit
The plans of the municipality of Nieuwegein anticipate a national bill to improve the position of sex workers. That proposal includes a registration obligation for sex workers and a minimum…
after the workers’ revolt, new exodus at the Apple subcontractor
In the aftermath of angry protests at iPhone factories in China, Foxconn has issued an apology to employees. ” A technical error would have occurred during recruitment, according to the…
Amazon workers plan to strike on Black Friday
The employees demand better wages and working conditions to cope with all the cost increases caused by inflation. The unions are running a joint campaign in the countries, “Make Amazon…
The world’s largest iPhone factory in China is confused! Workers unfurled the flag of revolt… “We want to return home”
The world’s largest iPhone factory is on the agenda this time with protests. Things got mixed up when workers at the Foxconn company’s iPhone factory in Zhengzhou, China, which was…
Police and OM about the future of sex work in Utrecht: ‘Registration of sex workers is important’
The Sorgdrager committee calls for the organization of testing grounds where sex work can take place on a small scale. The police and the Public Prosecution Service would like to…
Five hundred people at a memorial service in Domkerk for workers in Qatar: ‘Unchristian? It’s inhumane’
Harmen Niemeijer is director of Stichting Micha Nederland, a Christian organization that stands up for justice. Niemeijer wanted to do something for victims in Qatar when he saw that a…
Quota 103, Anief: do not penalize workers with 62 years of age and 41 years of future pension contributions
(Finance) – “The first draft of the 2023 Budget Law, focused on covering the maxi-expenses for high energy costs, also includes Quota 103 for the pension advance and the two-point…
Community Living Wallaceburg workers rally to highlight issues in workplace
News Local News Community Liiving Wallaceburg workers, represented by Local 150 of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union, held a rally in front of the agency Wednesday to highlight the…
demonstration of migrant workers against health restrictions in Guangzhou
Residents of a district of Guangzhou, the megalopolis in southeastern China, took to the streets on Monday to protest against the Zero Covid policy and break down barriers. The population…