Quota 103, Anief: do not penalize workers with 62 years of age and 41 years of future pension contributions

Labor Istat 66 points gap between prices and contractual wages

(Finance) – “The first draft of the 2023 Budget Law, focused on covering the maxi-expenses for high energy costs, also includes Quota 103 for the pension advance and the two-point cut in the tax wedge but some important pieces are missing: of the 35 billion in state funding envisaged, in fact, a small part should be used to avoid reductions in the retirement allowance for those who benefit from the pension advance, but at least 8 are used to pay the contractual holiday allowance for public employees and at least 500 million for the additional increases reserved for school staff”. So Marcello Pacifico, national president of Anief, National Association of Teachers and Trainers. “The launch of the provision is speeding up, there is no more time to lose if we want to avoid the provisional exercise. According to parliamentary sources, a meeting between Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and the group leaders of the majority is scheduled for Friday at 18.00 “, writes the specialized press.

According to the leader of the representative trade union organization, “The Government is moving in the right direction but there is a condition to be respected: that of not penalizing workers today with 62 years of age and 41 years of future pension contributions: for them the reduction of the pension allowance must not be foreseen. Furthermore, it would also be very important to finance the free redemption of the years of university training, as the president of INPS Pasquale Tridico has recently stated several times “.

Furthermore, the self-employed trade unionist is convinced “that together with the two-point cut in the tax wedge, which will ‘inflate’ payrolls with regard to the net income received by each individual employee, it will also be absolutely necessary to allocate no less than 5 billion euros for pay the contractual holiday allowance for 2022 and another 3 billion for 2023: this is a requirement also confirmed by the programmed inflation rates, recorded and published only a few days ago by the Ministry of the Treasury, respectively of 7% and 4% ”.

Pacific adds that “then half a billion must be financed to honor the political agreement of last November 10thsigned by the Minister of Education and Merit Giuseppe Valditara with Anief and the other representative unions in Viale Trastevere with the aim of financing the ancillary salary of school staff, teachers and Ata, beyond the resources allocated in the hypothesis of CCNL 2019/2021 signed on Saint Martin’s day”.

Anief recalls that the 5 billion deriving from the contract hypothesis signed last Friday at Aran for the previous three-year period, 2019/2021, will bring school employees up to 110 euros in increases and 2,500 euros in arrears. Always taking into account the past and future planned inflation rate calculated by the Mef, we have calculated that to align school salaries with the cost of living, it will be necessary to increase them by no less than 20% compared to what is paid today. “The 4.2% recovered with the agreement in Aran, to be closed by the end of the month, will therefore not be able to amortize the wage-inflation gap that arose in the previous decade: the salaries of teachers and Ata will remain under inflation still 11.4. For these reasons, the increases and arrears had to be assigned as soon as possible, but now we need other funding from the Budget Law”, concludes Marcello Pacifico.
