Tag: trains
Trains canceled between Karlstad and Gothenburg
Regional traffic between Karlstad and Gothenburg is currently closed. The reason is a switch failure and a cable fire at Mellerud. – We have no forecast at the moment, says…
All passenger trains north of Umeå canceled due to the cold – until Thursday
Vy train is now canceling all departures north of Umeå due to the extreme cold. There will also be no replacement traffic. – Travelers can rebook or get their money…
Extreme cold in the north – forced to cancel trains:
The new year began with a cold. In the north, the temperature crept down to minus 30 degrees and during the night to Tuesday, Nikkaluokta reached a whopping 40.5 degrees…
All trains between Kiruna and Luleå are cancelled
It is expected to be 35 degrees below zero in several places in the north and all trains between Luleå and Kiruna will be canceled tomorrow.– This is, among other…
FNM, supply of two hydrogen trains from Alstom for 27.5 million euros
(Finance) – FNMa company listed on Euronext Milan and active in integrated mobility in Lombardy, and Alstom Ferroviaria, controlled by the French giant Alstomthey signed a second application contract for…
Now a new forest terminal is opening in Härjedalen – 200 trains with wood will pass through here every year
Behind the investment are Inlandsbanan and the logistics company Loadex. The idea is both to be able to get Härjedalen’s forest products on the market in a better way, but…
SJ: X2000 trains back in service
Updated 06.38 | Published 06.32 The problems with SJ’s X2000 trains have been fixed, says press communicator Martina Nord in TV4’s Nyhetsmorgon. – The extra inspection of the trains has…
SJ stopped trains between Stockholm and Gothenburg – then traffic is running as usual
SJ has stopped nine express trains of the X2000 model since another X2000 train with the same type of wheels was damaged on its journey between Stockholm and Gothenburg last…
Inspection of the trains is faster than expected
full screen Nine trains of the model X2000 have been taken out of service to be inspected. Archive image. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT The inspection of the stopped X2000 trains is…
A large number of departures with X2000 trains are cancelled
On Thursday evening, an X2000 train suffered a wheel damage between Stockholm and Gothenburg. The nine trains that are now stopped have the same type of wheels as the train…