Tag: thyroid
Pregnancy: endocrine disruptors disrupt the thyroid function of pregnant women
Acting as a motor for our body, thyroid hormones become even more essential during pregnancy. But according to a study, exposure to environmental pollutants, including three commonly used endocrine disruptors,…
How is thyroid gland inflammation diagnosed? What should be paid attention to?
The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped, bipartite endocrine gland in the anterior part of the neck. It is located in front of the trachea and secretes thyroid hormone depending on…
This symptom is only seen in the morning! Be careful to understand the signs of insidious thyroid
The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland located just in front of the trachea. The thyroid gland, which is very important for health, emits hormones that regulate basic functions such…
You are throwing away the source of healing! The benefits of drinking yoghurt water every day are endless.
Yogurt is a flavor spread all over the world. The water of yoghurt, which has very rich nutritional values, is thrown away. However, this water provides protection against many diseases…
It is very common! Don’t be trivial, thyroid nodules are a cancer risk
Thyroid nodules are abnormal lumps or masses of different structures and sizes that occur within the thyroid tissue. Thyroid nodules, which are very common in the community, are usually harmless.…
If you wake up tired, it may be because of serious diseases! Run to the doctor right away
If you wake up tired from the sleep that makes the body more vigorous, you need to investigate the underlying cause. Waking up tired from sleep may be due to…
There are four different varieties! Who is at risk for thyroid cancer?
Early diagnosis of thyroid cancer is of great importance. You may need more than one treatment, depending on the type and stage of your cancer. It is very important that…
prof. Dr. İbrahim Saraçoğlu gave the recipe! Miraculous cure for thyroid
Although the thyroid gland is small in size, it has very important functions for our body with the hormones it secretes. One of the main functions of this organ is…
It is good for the thyroid, protects against cancer, reduces the risk of heart diseases… The surprising benefits of dill
Dill, which is a store of vitamins and minerals, is good for the digestive system and accelerates the metabolism. There are many questions in mind about dill and dill consumption.…
Warning from experts: Do not think that every sore throat is an infection! What is subacute thyroiditis?
It is thought that sore throats are caused by foods that are eaten or drunk with hot or water. But heat, cold, or throat infections aren’t the only causes of…