prof. Dr. İbrahim Saraçoğlu gave the recipe! Miraculous cure for thyroid

prof Dr Ibrahim Saracoglu gave the recipe Miraculous cure for

Although the thyroid gland is small in size, it has very important functions for our body with the hormones it secretes. One of the main functions of this organ is to secrete the T3 and T4 hormones, which regulate the body’s metabolism. Depending on the thyroid gland secreting less or excessive hormone than normal, other organs also work fast or slow. Problems in thyroid hormones affect all health. In case of low secretion of thyroid hormones, that is, hypothyroidism, all metabolism from the intestine to the hair shaft slows down, and complaints such as hair loss, forgetfulness, tendency to sleep, weight gain, weakness, and thickening of the voice occur. In case of excess of this hormone, that is, hyperthyroidism, excessive sweating, hair loss and rapid weight loss are seen. Thyroid diseases are important and must be treated by a doctor. prof. Dr. İbrahim Saraçoğlu gave a dill cure recipe for thyroid diseases.


prof. Dr. İbrahim Saraçoğlu says that this cure is especially effective for nodules. You can also use this cure herbally as an auxiliary and supportive cure. In case of Hypothyroid (slow functioning of the thyroid) or Hyperthyroid (fast functioning of the thyroid), dill cure will be applied. In both cases of the thyroid gland, the method of administration of the cure is the same.


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In the morning, lunch and evening, on an empty stomach, 15 minutes before meals, 1 tablespoon of fresh green dill should be chewed several times and swallowed with 2-3 sips of water. This sphere continues for 3 months without any interruption. Have your thyroid hormones checked from time to time after the second month of the cycle, as you may need to reduce the amount of medication you use. Never decide on your own to reduce medication without consulting your doctor. This cure is also very effective in the shrinkage or progression of thyroid nodules. If necessary, dill curing can be continued for a longer time.
