Tag: therapy
In which hospitals is ozone treatment done, is it covered by SSI? What part does ozone therapy look at?
People who want to take ozone treatment wonder in which department this treatment is done. It is very important to research in which departments of which hospitals ozone therapy is…
How is knee ozone therapy done, what is ozone therapy in knee osteoarthritis? Does ozone therapy work in knee pain, does it relieve the pain?
Knee pain can be caused by many reasons. This pain can be seen more frequently, especially in advancing age. However, with ozone therapy, the severity of knee pain can be…
Is it possible to quit smoking with hypnosis? What is hypnosis smoking cessation therapy?
Known as sleep state by most people and especially among the people, hypnosis actually aims to focus the person being treated. The general name of the treatments performed by applying…
Crigler-Najjar Syndrome: Gene Therapy Obtains Priority Drug Status
News Published on 08/03/2023 at 2:02 p.m. Updated 08/03/2023 at 2:02 p.m. Reading 2 mins. Crigler-Najjar syndrome is a rare disease of the liver. A treatment based on gene therapy…
What is sexual therapy with hypnosis? Is hypnosis effective in the treatment of vaginismus?
Hypnosis is one of the treatment methods applied mainly to mental and psychological disorders. Hypnosis is considered one of the alternative medicine practices. Like other alternative medicine methods, hypnosis can…
What is rectal ozone therapy? How is rectal ozone application done?
The ozone gas that is given to the body very carefully by absorption from the intestinal mucosa is called rectal ozone therapy. It also makes rectal insufflation treatments more effective.…
How to treat herniated disc with neural therapy? Is neural therapy good for herniated disc?
Neural therapy is one of the treatment methods that people of all ages can easily apply. Things like diabetes, hypertension and heart diseases do not prevent treatment. Care should be…
Is neck hernia treated with neural therapy? Is neural therapy good for neck hernia?
Neural therapy enables the body to repair the problem areas by re-running the self-healing feature, which should be able to do it on its own, but which it cannot do…
What is neural therapy, how is it done and applied? What does neural therapy do, what are its benefits?
Alternative medicine, which has survived from the past to the present, continues to be used as a complementary medicine in addition to medical treatment today. One of the alternative medicine…
Yolande Mukagasana: “Writing has served me as therapy”
She is one of fifteen authors invited to the Rencontres du livre francophone at the French Cultural Institute in Kigali, Rwanda. Yolande Mukagasana, whose first job is a nurse, began…