What is rectal ozone therapy? How is rectal ozone application done?

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The ozone gas that is given to the body very carefully by absorption from the intestinal mucosa is called rectal ozone therapy. It also makes rectal insufflation treatments more effective. This ozone gas in the intestines is converted into oxygen and helps to eliminate free radicals. Rectal ozone therapy also has the effect of reducing toxins and strengthening immunity.

What is rectal ozone therapy?

Rectal ozone application can be applied for the treatment of diseases such as hemorrhoids, fistulas, fissures in the rectal region and prostate diseases in men and gynecological diseases in women. In addition, rectal ozone therapy can be applied to support the treatment for cancer occurring in this region. The application, also known as rectal ozone therapy, has many benefits. Those who have rectal ozone therapy can gain the following benefits:

  • It reduces the toxins that may occur in the intestine.
  • It helps reduce chronic inflammation in the body.
  • Helps destroy parasites, bacteria, yeast and viruses.
  • It can protect the body against external factors by strengthening the immune system.

How is rectal ozone therapy done?

Rectal ozone administration is done with the help of a very thin cannula after the oxygen-ozone mixture is placed in the anus of the patient. It is possible to reach the intestines faster with the ozone gas given to the patient through the anus. Rectal ozone therapy takes about 15 minutes and is tolerated by the patient. Ozone resistant disposable materials are preferred during the process. In addition, since the materials are sterile, the risk of infection of the patient is eliminated. The patient can feel the gas in the rectal area, and the catheter can also be inserted into the rectum by the patient, just like inserting a suppository.

Does ozone therapy weaken?

One of the factors that facilitate weight loss is to have healthy intestines. Rectal ozone application is used for weight loss because it makes the intestines healthy. Weakening with rectal ozone is possible with the regularization of the intestinal system and the rapid functioning of the metabolism as a result. Of course, this treatment alone is not enough to lose weight. In order to lose weight with ozone, it is necessary to exercise regularly and eat healthy. After the treatment, it is possible to lose weight by supporting the process with these. Because rectal ozone therapy does not cause the patient to weaken suddenly, but allows the intestines to work regularly and facilitate a natural slimming process.
