Tag: Sweden news
June 2: Night’s News | SVT News
Amber Heard is convicted of libel against Johnny Depp The actors and former spouses Johnny Depp and Amber Heard have sat in court with the whole world as an audience.…
Emma Bouvin: It is thought that you should bother your mother-in-law
A printout from Dagens Nyheter, 2022-06-02 05:14 The article’s original address: https://www.dn.se/sverige/emma-bouvin-det-ar-tankt-att-man-ska-stora-sig-pa-sina-svarforaldrar/ You should become better at telling people how much they mean to you while you still have the…
Bov or friend? Shared world in the view of Russia
In the West, there is strong popular support for cutting economic ties with Russia. But in parts of Asia and South America it looks different – which could have consequences…
Bov or friend? Shared world in the view of Russia
Facts: The survey The Democracy Perception Index study from The Alliance of Democracies is based on responses from citizens of 53 countries in Asia, Latin America, Europe and the United…
The tenants’ association: The state should introduce rent deductions
Due to higher interest rates and rising prices, the cost of living and rents risk being increased for three million tenants, according to the Tenants’ Association. When it comes to…
Many killed when gunmen opened fire on Tulsa in the United States
A printout from Dagens Nyheter, 2022-06-02 03:29 The original address of the article: https://www.dn.se/varlden/minst-tre-doda-vid-skjutting-pa-sjukhus-i-usa/ Updated 02:28 Published 02:03 At least four people had been confirmed dead by 2:30 a.m. Thursday…
Hinckley free – 41 years after the shots against Reagan
The man who shot President Ronald Reagan in 1981 will be completely free. A federal judge has put an end to John Hinckley’s long journey through the American legal system.…
Hinckley free – 41 years after the shots against Reagan
– He has been examined. He has passed every test. He is no longer a danger to himself or others, Judge Paul Friedman said in court on Wednesday. Hinckley was…
The chaos continues at several airports in Europe
Great Britain, Germany, Portugal, Ireland, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, Canada and France. At several of the major airports in countries around Europe, and other parts of the world, the queues…
Facebook’s top manager Sheryl Sandberg leaves Meta
A printout from Dagens Nyheter, 2022-06-02 01:45 Article origin address: https://www.dn.se/varlden/facebooks-toppchef-sheryl-sandberg-lamnar-meta/ Updated Yesterday 23:44 Published Yesterday 23:12 Social media giant Meta’s top manager Sheryl Sandberg is leaving her job at…