Digital record for Dagens Nyheter

Digital record for Dagens Nyheter

During the 2000s, newspapers around the world have struggled with declining revenues, mainly linked to the digitalization and emergence of global giants such as Facebook and Google. But Dagens Nyheter has gone against the flow and shown that there is a future for quality journalism also in a digital media market.

On Wednesday, the newspaper reached the milestone of a quarter of a million completely digital subscribers, a level that few thought was possible when Dagens Nyheter started with digital subscriptions in 2014. Since the turn of the year alone, DN has increased the number of subscribers by almost 20,000.

– We were laughed at by some savvy people when we started charging for digital journalism eight years ago. On the internet, everything would be free, it was called. But we were convinced that there was a willingness to pay for journalistic quality, says DN’s editor-in-chief Peter Wolodarski.

– We have invested heavily in the editorial staff over the past five years. We have always believed in the need for in-depth, investigative journalism and developments have shown that readers do too.

Today’s News they have over the past three years has opened editorial offices in Gothenburg and Malmö, and recently in Umeå and Luleå, with the ambition of doing even better journalism from all over the country. Last year, the magazine also made a major investment in climate and science.

– We have a large network of correspondents around the world. We have been in Ukraine almost every day since January. We will use success in the subscription area to provide more resource-intensive journalism to our readers, says Peter Wolodarski.

The paper newspaper has also developed better than expected in recent years, and the total number of subscribers to Dagens Nyheter is now 380,000.

Digital subscriptions

DN: 250 000

SvD: Between 80,000 and 90,000, according to their own information

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