Tag: subjects
work on the subjects fallen abroad and from last year
HISTORY-GEO EMC. The 2022 patent history-geo written test is coming soon! Refining one’s pen from the subjects of the EMC history-geo patent fallen abroad this year can bring serious help,…
subjects fallen abroad and the latest in France
2022 SCIENCE PATENT SUBJECT. Knowing the science subjects of the 2022 patent on which French high school students abroad have worked makes it possible to train in more real conditions.…
French patent subject 2022: discover the first subjects revealed!
FRENCH PATENT SUBJECT 2022. At the end of the month, the Third will work on their subject of the French patent, the first test of the DNB’s writings. We reveal…
Google News gets a makeover! The Internet giant is preparing to completely overhaul the interface of its news tracking tool – also called Google News – in order to offer more relevant and personalized subjects.
Google News gets a makeover! The Internet giant is preparing to completely overhaul the interface of its news tracking tool – also called Google News – in order to offer…
practice with the subjects already fallen abroad!
SUBJECT PATENT MATHS 2022. In this very last straight line of the revisions of the patent math test, helping subjects who have fallen into foreign centers to train can be…
Patent 2022: dates, fallen subjects and calculation of the result
PATENT 2022. The dates for passing the 2022 college patent are approaching… What subjects have already fallen abroad this year for this DNB session? How is the result of the…
French Bac 2022: what subjects, how is the oral?
FRENCH BAC 2022. It was this Thursday, June 16 in the afternoon that the students of Première took the written French tests. For the oral, the number of texts is…
Bac philo: what are the three fallen subjects?
BAC PHILO 2022. More than 520,000 high school students started the philosophy test this Wednesday morning. Here are the subjects for the general and technological baccalaureate in mainland France, Reunion…
Bac 2022: subjects of philosophy, Grand oral, dates of the tests
BACCALAUREATE. It is this Wednesday, June 15 that the bac exams resume with the philosophy subjects that have just fallen. Only the Grand Oral and possibly the catch-up will remain.…
the subjects (and corrected) revealed this Wednesday
SUBJECT BAC PHILO 2022. Philosophy, which remains the queen test of the general and technological baccalaureate, is in the spotlight this Wednesday for thousands of high school students. Follow this…