Google News gets a makeover! The Internet giant is preparing to completely overhaul the interface of its news tracking tool – also called Google News – in order to offer more relevant and personalized subjects.

Google News gets a makeover The Internet giant is preparing

Google News gets a makeover! The Internet giant is preparing to completely overhaul the interface of its news tracking tool – also called Google News – in order to offer more relevant and personalized subjects.

Google News (Google News in English) will finally benefit from a major update for its 20th anniversary. Google announced today on his blog a redesign of the interface in order to better highlight the subjects likely to interest Internet users. This requires a change in the criteria for personalizing the news. Launched in April 2002, almost 20 years ago, the interface of the online service has changed little, its last update dating from 2018. However, Google News is widely used since, according to Google, it is available in more than 125 countries and in 40 languages. Each month, more than 24 billion clicks are made from the results of Google Search and Google News.

From now on, the firm seeks that its algorithm highlights the most relevant news according to the centers of interest of the user and his location. “This new look for Google News on PC was inspired by feedback received from our readers. We’ve made it easier to catch up on the most important news by adding top content, local news, and personalized picks to the top of the page“, explains the Internet giant. This change is visible from the home page, where Internet users will be able to have access to personalized information while having more general information which follows the news and the major important subjects.

More local and personalized news

The first change is cosmetic, the headings bar having migrated to the top of the page in the form of tabs, and no longer on a column on the left side. But it is above all the sections “Your selection”, “Local news” and “Personalized recommendations” that are new. They are displayed at the top and in large to be easy to find. Now, the filter button allows you to add multiple locations to the local news section, so you won’t miss information about cities and towns that users are interested in. Convenient to be aware of what is happening around your home!


Emphasis is also placed on the personalization of topics that interest Internet users. This is a new feature that allows you to scroll and click on the most interesting articles. It is possible to add, delete and reorganize headings. Just click on the blue customization button at the top right of the “Your Themes” section.


Google has announced that the new version of Google News will be deployed starting this Wednesday, but it will still take a little time for all users to benefit from it.
