Bac philo: what are the three fallen subjects?

Bac philo what are the three fallen subjects

BAC PHILO 2022. More than 520,000 high school students started the philosophy test this Wednesday morning. Here are the subjects for the general and technological baccalaureate in mainland France, Reunion and Mayotte.

What are the subjects of the bac philo?

[Mise à jour du 15 juin 2022 à 12h51]. It is this Wednesday, June 15 that the high school students of Terminale are working on philosophy exams. The written test of
philosophy translates the requirement of a common academic culture allowing young people to become free and enlightened citizens
” declared the new Minister of National Education Pap Ndiaye. Here are the three subjects of philosophy of the general and technological baccalaureate 2022 fallen in mainland France, Reunion and Mayotte. Students had a choice of two essay topics and an essay explanation :

General baccalaureate philosophy subjects:

  • Subject 1: Do artistic practices transform the world?
  • Subject 2: Is it up to the state to decide what is fair?
  • Topic 3: Text Explanation of a Cournot extract, Essay on the foundations of our knowledge and on the characteristics of philosophical criticism (1851).

Subjects of philosophy for the technological baccalaureate:

  • Topic 1: Does freedom consist in obeying no one?
  • Topic 2: Is it right to defend your rights by all means?
  • Explanation of text of DIDEROT, Encyclopédie (1751-1772)

The students let loose on Twitter!

The students were waiting for it at the turn, this famous philosophy test, and obviously, they were not disappointed! Indeed, the subjects did not fail to arouse amazement, defeatism and resignation for some, but always expressing it with humor on Twitter as soon as they left the event. Some are hilarious and faced with what they may consider a failure, turn out to be really…philosophers!

This year, this first test of the bac philo begins while a heat wave and high temperatures have been announced for the next few days. The Ministry of National Education has sent its recommendations to school principals and heads of establishments in order to take all the necessary measures so that candidates can take their exams in the best conditions. Progress of the philosophy baccalaureate, oral test, evaluation criteria and fallen subjects… We take stock of the baccalaureate philosophy 2022.

Written test of the bac philo: on what is the student assessed?

How is the oral test of the Philo baccalaureate going?

The test consists of a text explanation presented by the candidate, followed by an interview with the examiner. The chosen text is part of the philosophical works studied in class during the year. The high school student has 20 minutes to prepare your text explanationthen presents his or her presentation to the examiner for 10 minutes, with a 10-minute interview to complete and develop the initial explanation.
