Tag: Sami
The Sami Parliament’s first chancellery is demolished here: “Sad and sad”
Inez Svonni Fjällström looks up at the window of the worn yellow house in Kiruna, which was her room in the Sami Parliament’s first chancellery. The house was one of…
After seven years – still a long way to go before the Bible is in Lule Sami
They have been at it since 2016 – and there is still a long way to go before the Old Testament arrives in Lule Sami. But when it is ready…
Double crisis for Sami teenager
Facts: Moa Backe Åstot Born: 1998. Lives: In Jokkmokk. Background: Studied creative writing at Umeå University and the project course at Jakobsberg folk university’s writer’s school. Debuted in 2021 with…
Saara Hermansson wins the Sami melody festival
Saara Hermansson wins the Sami melody festival Mihka Helander and Andreas Gundersen won the singing part in the Sámi Grand Prix, the Sámi melody festival, which was organized in Kautokeino…
Saara Hermansson ja Mihka ja Andreas: dán jagáš Sámi Grand Prix vuitit
Saara Hermansson vuittii juoiganoasi “Goeksege” luđiin. Saara Hermansson lea Västerbottenis iere ja bargá beaivválaččat dego oahpaheaddji Johkamohkis. Son vuittii lávlunoasi Sámi Grand Prixas jagi 2019. – Son giitá buohkaid váimmus,…
The winners of the Sámi Grand Prix: Saara Hermansson and Mihka and Andreas
Saara Hermansson won with the jockey “Goeksege”. Saara Hermansson is from Stornäs in the Klimpfjäll area in Västerbotten. She works as a teacher in Jokkmokk. In 2019, she won the…
The researcher: That’s why the Sami eat less fruit
The Sami eat less moisture and vegetables than the general population. This appears in the large public health survey on the Sami that was published this week. Lena Maria Nilsson,…
Time-honored radio program now in Sami: “Important that our language is heard”
It is not the first time that Sami poems are included in the P1 program Dagens dikt, but it is the first time that the poems are performed in Sami.…
Sami influence in Stockholm: “We want to be closer to the politicians and get involved earlier in decision-making processes”
Inger Axiö is toying with the idea of a more itinerant activity to really reach out to the Sami families who may not be able to leave their children in…
Teary-eyed when the Fosen Sami were celebrated on stage
A packed concert venue ended the Fosen demonstration that lasted over a week in Oslo. Demonstrators have protested for eight days against the fact that Norway’s largest wind farm is…