Time-honored radio program now in Sami: “Important that our language is heard”

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

It is not the first time that Sami poems are included in the P1 program Dagens dikt, but it is the first time that the poems are performed in Sami. On Tuesday, it is time for the writer Inghilda Tapio to perform a handful of poems in both Sami and Swedish on the radio program.

– The Swedes also need to hear that we Sami have our own language, says Tapio.

Dagens dikt i P1 is Sweden’s radio’s first program and started in 1937. Newly appointed producer Ann Lingebrandt says that it is not a matter of course that the poems are performed in languages ​​other than Swedish in the program. Her predecessor in the producer position was the first to allow other languages ​​to take place in the program.

– It hasn’t been that long since we started to hear languages ​​other than Swedish in today’s poetry, says Lingebrandt.

“More Sami poetry in today’s poem”

The selected poems come from Bágos báhkuj/Sánistat sátnái/Baakoste baakose/Ordagrant, which is a multilingual anthology of both classic and contemporary Sámi literature. Inghilda Tapio performs both her own and others’ poems from the anthology. Lingebrandt thinks it’s funny that the authors also read the poems in their own mother tongue.

– There will also be more Sami poetry in today’s poem, says Ann Lingebrandt, producer of Dagens dikt in P1.
