SACE, shareholders’ meeting appoints Giansante as Chairman and appoints Ricci as CEO
(Finance) – The SACE Shareholders’ Meetingthe publicly controlled insurance-financial company, active in the internationalization of companies, has approved the financial statements at 31 December 2021 and appointed the new Board…
Saras, signed a loan for 312 million guaranteed by Sace
(Finance) – Saras today signed a new loan of 312.5 million Euros, backed for 70% of the amount by guarantee issued by SACE thanks to the provisions of the “DL…
SACE and Promos Italia return with the webinar series “Esportare in Digitale”
(Finance) – SACE and Promos Italia launch the new cycle of webinars “Export to Digital”dedicated to SMEs who want to deepen business opportunities and digital processes to support exports to…
Sustainability, UniCredit supports Lattebusche with a SACE guarantee
(Finance) – Lattebusche, Veneto cooperative active for over 60 years in the dairy sector, with a wide range of products, DOP and High Quality brands, obtains from UniCredit a five…
Sicily by Car, 15 million from Intesa Sp with a SACE green guarantee
(Finance) – Intesa Sanpaolor has taken out a loan of 15 million euros, with green guarantee from SACE, in favor of the sustainable fleet of Sicily By Car, Sicilian company,…
Sace, Latini: “An uphill restart of the Italian economy”
(Finance) – A complete picture of the sanctioning measures, including various financial and export control measures, implemented by the European Union against the Russian Federation and the possible strategies to…
Sace, start of reorganization: from CDP to Mef for 4.25 billion
(Finance) – Following the agreement reached between the MEF, the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) and SACE, with the decree signed by the Minister of Economy and Finance, Daniele Franco,…
CDP and Intesa Sanpaolo with SACE and SIMEST support Fincantieri for cruise terminal in North America
(Finance) – Under the banner of the enhancement of Made in Italy in the world, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti And Intesa Sanpaolo with SACE And SIMEST argue Fincantieri for the…
Intek, subsidiaries sign loan agreement with Sace guarantee
(Finance) – The subsidiaries of Intek GroupKME Italy and Serravalle Copper Tubes, (main Italian operating companies of the KME Group) have entered into a 6-year loan agreement with a pool…
SACE, Mario Giro takes on the role of Vice President
(Finance) – The Board of Directors of SACE, which met today, “attributed to the Director Prof. Mario Giro ihe role of Vice President from a strictly technical point of view…