Sustainability, UniCredit supports Lattebusche with a SACE guarantee

Sustainability UniCredit supports Lattebusche with a SACE guarantee

(Finance) – Lattebusche, Veneto cooperative active for over 60 years in the dairy sector, with a wide range of products, DOP and High Quality brands, obtains from UniCredit a five million euro loan, aassisted by SACE through the Italian Guarantee – the instrument envisaged by the Liquidity Decree intended to support Italian companies during the Covid-19 emergency.

More specifically, the loan, which has a duration of 6 years – clarifies the official note – is linked to the achievement of two ESG objectives that Lattebusche is committed to achieving within 3 years: the intensification of support for the community through donations to non-profit organizations operating in the area and the launch of activities aimed at increasing the employee satisfaction index.

The bank’s intervention falls within the scope of “Sustainable future financing”, a plan launched in July by UniCredit to support companies that want to improve the sustainability of their business. Through “Sustainable Future Financing”, in fact, UniCredit recognizes the company, directly at the time of disbursement, a reduction in the rate compared to the conditions offered for these operations, with subsequent verification of the achievement of at least two improvement objectives in the ESG field, prefixed to the stipulation of the loan.

“We are pleased to once again be alongside Lattebusche and UniCredit in a financing transaction dedicated to the investments of one of the most important agri-food companies in our area. We are confident that this partnership between institution, bank and company is a winning model in the financial system of the Northeast and that, even in this case, we will be able to witness the virtuous growth of Lattebusche for the benefit of all its stakeholders and the food chain connected to it “, he says Alberto Turchetto, Mid Corporate Head of the North-East of SACE:

“The bond that the Cooperative has always maintained with the territory, in a relationship that wants to be respectful of the environment to guarantee mutual survival “reiterates the President of Lattebusche, Modesto De Cet for which “It is irrefutable that especially in the mountain areas, the President emphasizes, the persistence of the agricultural and breeding activities of our producer members results in an effective protection of the environment and contrast to the phenomenon of abandonment of the territory, moreover with positive effects for the local economy and for the tourism sector. Our spirit has always been to operate in harmony with the territory and communities, promoting and supporting cultural, social and sporting initiatives which may also benefit the community “.

Lattebusche is a consolidated and successful reality, which has been able to combine competitiveness and attention to the territory in a virtuous way. Our support intervention is therefore the son of a common feeling and is part of our ambitious project to provide communities with the levers to progress in a sustainable way, which is why we have integrated ESG issues in our decision-making processes “, underlines Luisella Altare, UniCredit North East Regional Manager.
