Tag: rewarded
Do you want the coveted Sports Studio beanie? Explain why the beanie belongs to you – the best answers will be rewarded
The winners will be drawn on Sunday in the Sports Studio voting. Now you can get them. Namely, Urheilustudio’s beanies, which are very popular. Take part in the big beanie…
Armand “Mondo” Duplanti’s senseless money rain – rewarded with millions after the historic World Cup gold
He won the first WC gold of his career.Now the star Armand Duplantis is being rewarded with a substantial addition to the coffers. Armand Duplantis is clearly one of Sweden’s…
The decades of struggle of Romani activists will be rewarded in the Czech Republic – the pig farm located in the concentration camp will be demolished
In the Czech Republic, hundreds of Roma died in a concentration camp during World War II. In the 1970s, a pig farm with a large production capacity was built on…
Cinema: release of “Les Nuits de Mashad”, rewarded at Cannes, but denounced by the Iranian authorities
On Wednesday July 13 comes the release of Nights of Mashhad, by Danish filmmaker of Iranian origin Ali Abbasi. Its main actress, Zar Amir Ebrahimi received the prize for female…
The 21-year-old Swede’s new dream salary in the NHL – is properly rewarded after the big breakthrough
Threaded to the Columbus Blue jackets – where the big breakthrough came.Now Adam Boqvist is rewarded.The 21-year-old gets a new dream salary in the NHL. Adam Boqvist is perhaps not…
Mighty appointment for Lucas Raymond last night – now rewarded after his incredible debut season in the NHL
Lucas Raymond hailed in the NHL.After his debut season, he is now selected in this year’s rookie team. Lucas Raymond moved to the Detroit Red Wings with high expectations, but…
documentary photographer Rijasolo rewarded by World Press Photo
In Madagascar, the photographer and documentary photographer Rijasolo was rewarded by the World Press Photo jury in the category ” Africa, long-term projects “. For the past ten years, this…
Santeri Kiiveri meant to die on a slope a few years ago – the mother of a paralympic winner after adversity: “Long work was rewarded now”
Santeri Kiiveri, who achieved paralympic gold, had a career at stake a few years ago due to health problems. Para-alpine skier Santeri Kiiverin at home in Lappeenranta this week there…