Tag: replica
Navalny’s supporters set up a replica of his solitary confinement cell in Paris
A life-size replica of an isolation cell in which Alexei Navalny is imprisoned was installed by his supporters in the center of Paris on Tuesday March 14. His supporters want…
Artificial intelligence: Google draws Bard, a more reasonable replica of ChatGPT
The search giant Google announced on Monday the launch of bard which is the first phase of a replica to ChatGPT. The OpenAI text generator has gained global notoriety by…
Deceptively real replica of Obi-Wan’s weapon with dueling effects and battle sequence mode
If you are looking for a lightsaber that is as true to the original as possible as a high-quality decorative object for your own Star Wars collection, you cannot avoid…
Deceptively real Bat’Leth replica makes a really cool gift for Trekkies
Ever wanted to feel like a real Klingon? Fearless and ready to fight, like Sheldon in The Big Bang Theory when he confronts his WoW account hacker? Then the replica…
This high-quality ring replica looks like the real thing, but is absolutely inexpensive
With the forthcoming start of the Amazon series The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power you are looking for a fashionable one gem in the form of the…
Here you can buy the deceptively real replica of Thor’s hammer Mjolnir
Thor 4: Love and Thunder has been in cinemas since this week. In the new Marvel blockbuster, he plays classic hammer of the hero, Mjölnir, an exceptionally large role. the…
Marseille: the replica of the Cosquer cave open to the public
Cultural report We knew the reproductions of the Lascaux cave or of Chauvet. In Marseille, there is now that of the Cosquer cave, the only submerged cave in which we…
“Hope it stays whole!” 30-ton city crane replica on its way to Utrecht
For hundreds of years it was a defining feature of the city center of Utrecht and indispensable for trade: a wooden city crane with a large boom that stood at…
In Marseille, a replica of the Cosquer cave takes shape
Marseille will soon welcome a reproduction of the Cosquer cave in the Villa Méditerranée, just next to the Mucem. The Cosquer cave is this partially drowned cave discovered in 1985…