Tag: receipts
Supreme carrot soup with fresh coriander
The coriander is a herb aromatic quite special. It is known to elicit disgust reactions from some people. For these, coriander evokes a pungent smell and a taste of vomit.…
Buddha bo(w)l: prawns, soy vermicelli, beetroot, carrot, new onion
You put what you want in a bo(w)l: proteins (vegetable, animal), starchy foods, cheese, salad, fruit… raw, cooked… salty, sweet, respect the portions and treat yourself! Jean-Michel Cohen told Thomas…
Savory pie with sweet potatoes, almonds and blue cheese
Despite its name and even if it can easily be replaced in recipes, the sweet potato is not similar to the potato. We can eat it as well tuber than…
Maxi whipped cream, a recipe that does not lack air by Raphaël Haumont
Choux pastry Preheat the oven to 200 ° C. In a saucepan, melt the butter with the water. When the butter is melted, and out of the fire, pour in…
The recipe for lychee-sake pearl oyster by Raphaël Haumont
This recipe offers a double explosion in the mouth, both in terms of textures and flavors. Encapsulation is a gelation technique, based on the fact that sodium alginates (long chain…
Salmon papillotes with homemade pesto and almonds
L’almond is the nut oilseeds which contains the most protein. EIt also contains a significant amount ofmonounsaturated fatty acids, phytosterols,arginine, fiber, vitamins – B and E, mainly – and minerals…
How to prepare Raphaël Haumont’s Rubik’s fruits?
Prepare six bowls Bowl 1: coconut milk + 1 or 2 tablespoons of sugar if necessary. Bowl 2: juice Strawberry + 2 or 3 fresh strawberries cut into small pieces.…
Pumpkin puree with curry, green beans, emmental cheese by Thomas Clouet
We put what we want in a bo (w) l: proteins (vegetable, animal), starches, cheese, salad, fruit … raw, cooked, salty, sweet , respect the portions and indulge yourself! Jean-Michel…
Recipe | Tajin agneau of Pruneau
Lamb is eaten all over the world. Compared to mutton, lamb meat is less fatty and softer and tender. It is the leg that is the leanest part. The shoulder,…
The tropézienne tart a pure delight
Not so easy to find a healthier tarte tropézienne. Its asset is mainly to bring us a little sweetness and gluttony. A nice way to give in, from time to…