Tag: question
Charles III operated on the prostate: the state of health of the monarch in question
King Charles III underwent prostate surgery which was scheduled for Friday January 26. He is “doing well”, according to several British media. King Charles III underwent prostate surgery on Friday…
why Israeli leaders question Qatar’s role – L’Express
Every day, Qatar is a little more in the sights of Israel, at least of some of its leaders. Mediator state in the conflict triggered following the attack by Hamas,…
Jenny Strömstedt’s strange question makes viewers see red: “Incredibly unprofessional”
During Saturday’s News morning guests of the Christian Democrats Alice Teodorescu Måwewhich is a top name ahead of the EU parliamentary elections. In the interview, the presenter asks Jenny Stromstedt…
the exclusion of a student in question
The Stop Homophobia and Mousse associations filed a complaint on Friday January 26 against the former management of the private school under Stanislas contract for “discrimination linked to sexual orientation”.…
One of the best films of the year answers the question of what happens when Harry Potter is locked away at Hogwarts alone with Snape
It will probably be many years before we see a new Harry Potter film on the big screen. For now, the plan is to completely remake the story of the…
Hungarian leader Viktor Orbán is in Putin’s pocket, but the question is how deep – and is it a danger to NATO | Foreign countries
Viktor Orbán’s Hungary is an important object of influence for Russia, because it is at the table of both NATO and the European Union. But could Orbán’s close ties to…
Healthcare, privatisations, Stability Pact: what Meloni said to Question Time
(Finance) – From Healthcare Stability Pact (and related clash with PD secretary Schlein) passing through the chapter privatizations: There are many and all delicate issues on which Prime Minister Meloni…
IVG: “The question is whether we make this right irreversible or not”
From this Wednesday, deputies will examine the bill including voluntary termination of pregnancy in the Constitution, before a possible convening of Parliament to adopt this reform. But yesterday, the influential…
There are question marks about how Hungary will act
Why did Turkey choose to say yes now? For a year and a half, Erdogan has used his veto in the NATO issue to push for concessions in various areas.…
The US has promised Erdogan something – the question is what
After a debate lasting several hours, Turkey’s parliament finally said yes to Swedish NATO entry. Now only President Erdogan’s signature remains before Turkey ratifies Sweden’s application. Sweden’s former ambassador to…