Healthcare, privatisations, Stability Pact: what Meloni said to Question Time

PNRR Meloni we are working hard to achieve the fifth

(Finance) – From Healthcare Stability Pact (and related clash with PD secretary Schlein) passing through the chapter privatizations: There are many and all delicate issues on which Prime Minister Meloni responds Question time.

“Are those approved the rules that we will have written? No. It is the best possible agreement under the given conditions, yes. When you present yourself at the negotiating table with a 5.3% deficit caused above all by the free renovation of second and third homes and ask for greater flexibility, it is possible that someone will look at you with distrust. And if we, despite the terrible inheritance, have brought home a good compromise it is because in one year we have shown that the season of throwing money to the wind to pay for electoral campaigns is over “, says Prime Minister Meloni to the Chamber responding to the M5s on the Stability Pact.

There is no shortage of clashes with the secretary of the Democratic Party over cuts to healthcare. “Madam President, explain one thing to me: did you go into government to solve the problems of Italians or to shift responsibilities onto others?”: urges Elly Schlein, in the reply after Prime Minister Meloni’s response to the Dems’ question on healthcare at the premier time, in which an extraordinary hiring plan in healthcare was requested. “The hiring cap – he then added – was introduced in 2009 by the government she was there and specifically she created the problem.”

“As my colleague Schlein recalls, the cap on healthcare personnel spending was introduced in 2009: has led to the growing use of fixed-term contracts and the devastating phenomenon of token doctors. Let’s deal with a stratified situation over 14 years. I won’t ask why you didn’t solve this problem. I will tell you that it is an implicit attestation of esteem that you ask us to solve the problems that you have not solved in ten years in government: thank you for trusting us and our government”. Thus Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in the Chamber answering a question of the PD leader on healthcare waiting lists.

Privatization chapter – “It’s not a question of privatizing for privatization’s sake, of divesting or selling off, as I said, the approach of this government is light years away from what we have unfortunately seen happen in the past when privatizations” were “billionaire gifts to some well-connected and lucky entrepreneur, that had nothing to do with the free market but rather “what happened” with the Russian oligarchs when the Soviet Union dissolved”, said Meloni, underlining that the government aims to use privatizations as a tool of “industrial policy”.

On the war in the Middle East – “Italy has always been in favor of a Palestinian state, which is why I do not share the position expressed by the Israeli prime minister on the matter, said Meloni. An agreement – he added however – “cannot be requested unilaterally: the prerequisite is the recognition of the interlocutors, of Israel and of the right of Israelis to live in safety”.

“We were the first to send aid to Gaza. I take this opportunity to announce that we are working to bring Palestinian minors to Italy to be treated in our hospitals”, added the Prime Minister.
