Tag: Presidential France 2022
in the Eure, Marine Le Pen proposes a “referendum revolution”
A dose of proportionality in the legislative elections and a referendum if 500,000 voters demand it. 12 days before the second round of the presidential election in France, Marine Le…
French presidential: “We observe strong differences according to the profile of the voters”
A survey carried out by Ipsos-Sopra Steria analyzed the profile of French voters. This study, which draws up the sociology of electorates as well as the profile of abstentionists, reveals…
Nicolas Sarkozy supports Emmanuel Macron
Valérie Pécresse had waited for a word of support from Nicolas Sarkozy before the first round, in vain. The right-wing former President of the Republic has just expressed himself in…
In the spotlight: Macron fishing for leftist votes
” Charcoal Macron “, spear Release on the front page. “ No time to waste. (…) If the head of state came out on top on Sunday with 27.8%, his…
Emmanuel Macron says he is ready to let go of pensions
Traveling to Hauts-de-France, the president-candidate, who took the lead in the first round of the presidential election on Sunday, said he was ready to negotiate one of the key measures…
Will Jean-Luc Mélenchon be able to capitalize on his score?
As in 2017, the radical left candidate narrowly failed to qualify for the second round of the presidential election. Like five years ago, he crushed his left-wing competitors. The same…
French presidential election: “This is the culmination of the electoral disruption” of 2017
This is one of the lessons of the first round of the French presidential election: the candidates from the extremes won just over 58% of the vote. In 15 years,…
Abstention, key to the second round?
We have known since yesterday (April 10, 2022) the poster for the second round of the French presidential election. It will pit the outgoing head of state Emmanuel Macron against…
Marine Le Pen returns to the field with her favorite themes
Arrived second in the first round of the French presidential election, the candidate of the National Rally Marine Le Pen was this Monday, April 11 in Soucy, in Yonne. A…
French presidential election: social democracy crestfallen
The Social Democrats, Parti Socialiste and Ecologists, won just over 6% of the vote after the first round of the French presidential election, when they were in power five years…