Emmanuel Macron says he is ready to let go of pensions

Emmanuel Macron says he is ready to let go of

Traveling to Hauts-de-France, the president-candidate, who took the lead in the first round of the presidential election on Sunday, said he was ready to negotiate one of the key measures of his program by opening the door to a starting age at 64 rather than 65 provided the system is financially balanced.

With our special correspondent in Denain, Anthony Latier

In Denain, then in Carvin, all day long, he was questioned by citizens who told him of their fierce opposition to his pension reform. At the start of the evening, Emmanuel Macron ended up letting go of the subject.

If we want to balance, we had to do four more months a year, to reach the 65-year-old by 2030, explained the Head of State. If you have to give yourself a shorter time horizon to make it more understandable, you shouldn’t deprive yourself of it, it’s part of the discussion “.

Raising the legal age to 64

This would amount to gradually pushing back the legal retirement age but at 64 years old initially before the examination of a review clause. ” There is no fetishism “Insists the president-candidate who justifies this opening. ” I’m ready to change the relationship to time if we feel too much anxiety in people. ‘Cause we can’t say Sunday night “I want to gather and listen” and when we go to listen to people say “I stay and I don’t move”

A twist? A concession ? A decline ? The proof in any case that Emmanuel Macron fears not to be re-elected if he does not display a more social program and if he does not give pledges to left-wing voters.

We have not provided answers to these millions of French people who wonder, who ask themselves questions on a daily basis, who are afraid.

Emmanuel Macron tries to speak to the left
