In the spotlight: Macron fishing for leftist votes

what vote reserve for Emmanuel Macron

Charcoal Macron “, spear Release on the front page. “ No time to waste. (…) If the head of state came out on top on Sunday with 27.8%, his re-election is far from certain. Far-right candidate Marine Le Pen potentially enjoys more automatic vote reserves than Emmanuel Macron (…). Failing to seek out these left-wing voters with their teeth by making a 180-degree programmatic turn, it was for the macronie yesterday, during a trip to Hauts-de-France, working land obviously not chosen by chance, to multiply “signs” (in the direction of the 22% of voters of Jean-Luc Mélenchon). With keywords like : “youth”, “social”, “ecology”, “women’s rights”… But the slope of this seduction operation is steep, point again Release. Despite the calls to vote Emmanuel Macron which are multiplying on the left, the strategists of the campaign of the Head of State know that to insist on the measures already taken or the sending of a few “signs” will not be enough to convince the most reluctant to return an Emmanuel Macron ballot to the ballot box, as five years ago, or those who would be tempted to take refuge in an abstention that would benefit the far-right candidate. »

To convince…

On the move yesterday in the North and today in Alsace, Emmanuel Macron has finally entered the campaign. It was high time », exclaim The Latest News from Alsace. And ” if he wants to repel the attacks of his opponent on April 24, he cannot content himself with applying the same recipe as in 2017. He can no longer be taken at his word, so he will have to give pledges, if engage. Convince that he understood the despair of the French, that he heard the anger, in short that he sincerely changed. Because one thing is sure, concludes the Alsatian daily, Marine Le Pen has not changed. »

Historical responsibility

The daily The world clearly marks its camp: the election of Marine Le Pen as President of the Republic would constitute an attack on the rule of law, a regression in taking into account the climate catastrophe, a revision of our external alliances at the worst time, while the atrocious war imposed by Vladimir Putin on Ukraine completes the unveiling of the true nature of a regime with which the candidate was so complacent. Logically, continues Le Monde, the only effective way to work for his defeat is to call for a vote for Emmanuel Macron. This places the outgoing president facing a historic responsibility: succeeding in a fortnight in stemming a danger that the five-year term that is ending has been – by his own admission – powerless to reverse. »

Restore the democratic exercise

For Le Figaroeven if Macron wins, he will have to rebuild on a field of ruin…” If the polls tell the truth, Emmanuel Macron’s victory leaves little doubt, notes the right-wing daily. But the devastated political landscape in which he could begin his second term is of great concern. The frustration born of the feeling of the impossible alternation is likely to harden a little more the tension which crosses our country. The temptation will be great, in this sociological score, to awaken, as Tocqueville said, “class-to-class warfare, of those who have nothing against those who have”. The Head of State has understood this, promising new forms of government. In truth, it is the whole exercise of democracy that will urgently need to be restored. »

Beware of ” demagogic monsters !

In fact, complete Free Charenteour ” A political system at its wit’s end approaches election after election from the democratic abyss. Political France is communitarized like Paris and the French desert. As a symbol of the distance between citizens and the decisions that concern them. Like the symbol of an old world that is leaving (that of parties unable to renew themselves, to work, to learn from past mistakes) in the face of a new world in the process of imposing itself (that of the three cultural blocks that came out on top on Sunday). Between these two worlds called to succeed each other, warns La Charente Libre, it is the moment when the historical fault lines, the political torments, the demagogic monsters arise. Here we are. »

Presidential election France 2022 – Results 1st round
