PNRR, Monday control room with Meloni on the objectives of the sixth installment
(Finance) – The verification of the achievement of the objectives and targets relating to the sixth installment will be at the center of a new meeting of the Control Room…
Anief, extension for the PNRR testing: continuous commitment to enhance the staff
(Finance) – For months Anief is paying attention to thePNRR Mission Unit and the Cabinet of the Minister regarding the timing connected to the implementation of the PNRR investment lines,…
PNRR control room, Fitto: “Italy’s alignment with the Plan’s European roadmap confirmed”
(Finance) – The financial coverage of all the interventions envisaged within the Integrated Urban Plans (PUI), the technical revision of the PNRR recently approved by the European Commission and the…
PNRR, Mase approves the operating rules on innovative agrivoltaic systems
(Finance) – Il Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security published the operational rules on the measurement of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan aimed at supporting the creation of…
PNRR, green light for technical review from the EU Commission
(Finance) – The Commission has announced that it has approved the request for revision of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan of Italy. The request dates back to 4 March…
Fitto “European Commission welcomes request for revision of the Pnrr”
(Finance) – “La The European Commission today accepted the Italian Government’s requestpresented on 4 March 2024, of a revision of the Pnrr for corrections of a technical nature, and adopted…
Tuscany flood 2023, the Government allocates 66 million in the new PNRR Legislative Decree
(Finance) – “The Government presented a amendment to the new decree-law PNRR, the Legislative Decree n. 19/2023, to allocate 66 million euros useful for the reconstruction underway in the municipalities…
Trenitalia, new hybrid Intercity trains: 60 million euro investment financed with PNRR funds
(Finance) – Trenitaliathe leading company of the Passenger Hub of the FS Group, presented today, at the Reggio Calabria station, the first of seven trains hybrids intercity which will connect…
Education, PNRR: confrontation with the Ministry, Anief asks for extension of contracts
(Finance) – A meeting was held today regarding operational indications on the payment of staff ATA PNRR And Agenda South and the simplification of the assignments of scholastic and educational…
Andrea Ferretti’s Ecopill – remodulated PNRR: new resources for our SMEs
(Finance) – An analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the new PNRR. This is the subject of the economist’s latest Ecopill Andrea Ferrettiwhich is particularly concerned with understanding what…