Tag: Piombino
Industry and inflation: Urso announces progress on Piombino and ex Ilva
(Finance) – The Minister of Business and Made in Italy, Adolfo Ursohighlighted important developments in the industrial sector and in Italian economic stability during the inauguration of the Made in…
Piombino, Urso meets Jindal: “Decisive meeting”
(Finance) – It had been announced as a “decisive” meeting and – according to what we learn – it was. The videoconference meeting between the Minister of Enterprise and Made…
Piombino, meeting on the future of the steel industry at Mimit
(Finance) – A meeting was held today at Palazzo Piacentini, headquarters of the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy, on the development prospects of the steelmaking hub of Piombinoas…
Piombino regasification terminal, Eni: first load of LNG arrived
(Finance) – They have been transhipment operations of the first LNG cargo started today in the new terminal snam Of Piombino regasification, which has an overall treatment capacity of 5…
Piombino regasification terminal, Snam: FSRU Golar Tundra starts test phase with first ship arriving
(Finance) – Yesterday night (between 4 and 5 May), the phase of mooring from the LNG tanker Maran Gas Kalymnoswhich transports the first load of preparatory gas for the start-up…
The Golar Tundra regasification ship docks in Piombino
(Tiper Stock Exchange) – The Golar Tundra regasification vessel snam came in last night in the port of Piombino (Livorno), towed by four tugboats, who drove her to the mooring…
Tuscany, Giani signs the green light for the Piombino regasification plant
(Finance) – Snam work can begin for the positioning of the regasification vessel Golar Tundra within the port of Piombino (Livorno). The authorization was signed today by president of Tuscany…