Tuscany, Giani signs the green light for the Piombino regasification plant

Tuscany Giani signs the green light for the Piombino regasification

(Finance) – Snam work can begin for the positioning of the regasification vessel Golar Tundra within the port of Piombino (Livorno). The authorization was signed today by president of Tuscany and extraordinary commissioner for the work Eugenio Giani.“At this point, after the preparatory works for its positioning in the port, the ship can arrive in Piombino – said the governor signing the deed -. For 60 million Italians, this means lowering their bills, the possibility of offering a service and saying that gas can be obtained more easily without depending on Russia “.

Satisfied Snam, according to which the project “will make a decisive contribution to the security and diversification of the country’s energy supplies”. According to the company, “the authorization deed contains various technical and procedural requirements that Snam will examine in the next few days to allow for the timely start of the works and to do everything possible to dispose of the operating unit within the foreseen times”.

There services conferencewhich closed on 21 October, in fact issued a positive opinion with numerous indications, now attached to the authorization: fromIss calling for “a meteorological station in the port” and “two stations for measuring air quality in inhabited areas” to the Superintendence which requires the presence of an archaeologist for “any excavation and earth moving work” for the onshore pipeline, up toMaritime District Office which asks for “a specific ordinance to regulate the conditions and limits for entry and exit from the port of the Frsu unit and the Lngc” as “such maneuvers are not compatible with the simultaneous carrying out of other naval maneuvers in the same basin , and must be carried out exclusively at night “. Issues also raised by the mayor of Piombino, Francesco Ferrari, which reaffirmed the intention of challenge the authorization before the TAR. “The whole process leaks water from all sides – he observed Ferrari – and lays the concrete foundations on which we will build the appeal. It matters little if the agreement and the relative authorization are conditional on the acceptance of the memorandum; a document that seems more an attempt to wash one’s conscience than a concrete instrument for the revitalization of the territory “. Precisely on the memorandum the neighboring municipalities complain that” there is no trace of Follonica, Scarlino or Castiglione della Pescaia “. The committees finally ask that the Government consider an alternative site.
