Tag: patients
Epidermolysis bullosa: a gel to cure patients
News Published 23 hours ago, Reading 4 mins. Researchers have designed a local treatment in the form of a gel to treat children with a type of epidermolysis bullosa, a…
Cancer patients CAUTION! Don’t do this: Negative effects
Stating that while receiving chemotherapy, it is necessary to stay away from herbal and natural medicinal products recommended by people other than oncology physicians, as well as supplements such as…
Kidney disease patients beware! Definitely go for a cancer checkup.
Researchers examined the kidney function of nearly 6 million people in the Canadian province of Ontario between 2007 and 2016. The study found that people with mild to moderate kidney…
Attention! Fasting can lead to ‘freezing’ in Parkinson’s patients…
Experts point out that fasting can lead to a state of inactivity called ‘freezing’ and hospitalization in the patient. April 11 is celebrated as World Parkinson’s Disease Day every year…
What is high cholesterol? What should cholesterol patients pay attention to?
The process of protection from coronary heart diseases and atherosclerosis, that is, vascular occlusion, begins in childhood. The higher the cholesterol level in the blood, the higher the risk of…
BCHS reports 10 COVID-19 patients in care
The Brant Community Healthcare System on Wednesday reported 10 COVID-19 patients in hospital, up one from Monday. One patient is in intensive care. Of the patients admitted to hospital, 125…
Driving license: the new rules for diabetics and Alzheimer’s patients
The public authorities have updated the list of medical conditions incompatible or compatible with obtaining, renewing or maintaining a driving licence. A text that addresses in particular the case of…
One cup is enough! Makes breathing easier for asthma patients
Unfortunately, there is no age limit for asthma. People of all ages can suffer from asthma. Asthma disease, which reduces the quality of life, generally people living in areas with…
Have Heart patients should be fasting?
Fasting is not recommended for those who have heart failure requiring the use of multiple drugs, those who have had a recent heart attack in the last year, those who…
Health: when startups innovate for facial reconstruction and make life easier for diabetic patients
Check out the new episode of If we impact the future of… », the series of videos that questions the major future technological challenges, launched by 3DEXPERIENCE Lab, the Dassault…