Driving license: the new rules for diabetics and Alzheimer’s patients

Driving license the new rules for diabetics and Alzheimers patients

The public authorities have updated the list of medical conditions incompatible or compatible with obtaining, renewing or maintaining a driving licence. A text that addresses in particular the case of neuro-evolutionary pathologies.

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A new list of medical conditions compatible or not with driving as well as with obtaining a driving license has just been published in the Official newspaper. This text notably provides doctors with more precise definitions of aptitudes and inaptitudes for driving a car.

Today, the most frequently encountered driving incompatibilities areepilepsysignificant vision problems, cognitive impairment and pathologies the heaviest hearts. Not to mention, of course, everything related to addictions at thealcohol and various narcotics.

Fewer constraints for certain pathologies

This decree reminds that no one can take the road if he is not able to drive. In fact, drivers with the conditions listed should seek the advice of a licensed physician if they wish to continue driving. If they are about to take their licence, they must seek the advice of a doctor when registering. The approved doctor, responsible for giving his opinion on the temporary or permanent impossibility of driving, must for his part complete the appropriate administrative form (Driving license – Medical opinion).

Good news, people suffering from diabetes the processing of which does not generate a risk ofhypoglycemia are no longer subject, for the driving of light vehicles, to a medical examination, hitherto compulsory, by an approved doctor. It should also be noted that, in recent years, technological innovations have increased the possibilities of fitting out vehicles and equipping drivers with severe locomotor disabilities. On the other hand, people with neuro-evolutionary pathologies, such asAlzheimer’sand presenting with the first cognitive disorders should no longer drive.

As a reminder, all drivers must declare the pathologies and incapacities physical which he suffers, those in any case likely to alter his conduct, then undergo the required visits and medical examinations. In fact, a driver responsible for a accident who has not declared his incapacity to drive will not be covered by his insurance.

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